
Divine Revelation

Praise the Lord. "Only believe! All things are possible; only believe." There is something very remarkable about that chorus. God wants to impress it so deeply on our hearts that in our corners, rooms, and private places, we will get engrossed in this divine truth: if we will only believe. he can get in us and out of us for others what otherwise would never be possible. Oh, for this truth to grab hold of us so that God will come to us afresh and say, "Only believe."  I trust the Lord will give me something to make you ready for everything so that you will be on God's schedule and in the place He has designed for you.


Above The Ordinary

God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plan of life. Those who want to be ordinary and live on a lower plan can do so, but as for me and my house, we will not. The same unction, the same zeal, the dame Holy Spirit power is at our command as it was at the command of Stephen and the apostles. We have the same God that Abraham and Elijah had, and we do not have to lag behind in receiving any gift or grace. We may mot possess all the gifts as abiding gifts, but as we are full of the holy Spirit and divine unction, it is possible, when there is a need, for God to make evident ever gift of the Spirit through us as He may choose to use.

We become extraordinary under the Holy Spirit's anointing.  As we go deeper in God, He enlarges our capacity for understanding and places before us a wide-open door.

We need to get lost in the Power of God. Be so lost in Him, that we lose sight of everything in the natural.

May we be awakened to believe His Word and to understand the mind of the Spirit, for there is an inner place of purity where we can see God. We are just ordinary people, but we can go to a place where God can move us where we affect everyone around us. We must begin in a humble place and then we will end in a blaze of glory. Dare to believe Christ.

When we please God in our daily service, we will always find that everyone who is faithful in the little things, God will make ruler over much (Matt. 25:21).

Endued With Power

I want to stress one thing. First and foremost, I would emphasize these questions: Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Are you filled with divine-power?

The heritage of the church is to be so equipped with power that God can lay His hand upon any member at any time to do His perfect will. There is not stopping point in the Spirit-filled life. We begin at the Cross, the place of disgrace, shame, and death, and that very death brings the power of resurrection life. Then, being filled with the Holy Spirit, we go on "from glory to glory" (2 Cor. 3:18). Let us not forget that possessing the baptism in the Holy Spirit means that there must be an ever increasing holiness. How the church needs divine anointing. It needs to see God's presence and power so evidenced that the world will recognize it.


The people in whom God delights are the ones who rest upon His Word with out doubting. God has nothing for the man who wavers, "for let not the man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord" (James 1:7). therefore, I would like us to get this verse deep into our hearts until it penetrates every fiber of our being:

Only Believe
All things are possible: only believe.
God has a plan beyond anything that we have ever known. He has a plan for every individual life, and if we have any other plan in view, we miss the grandest plan of all. Nothing in the past is equal to the present, and nothing in the present can equal the things of tomorrow. Tomorrow should be so filled with holy expectations that we will be living flames for Him. God never intended His people to be ordinary or commonplace. His intention were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the Cross that foreshadows the crown.